Is a Do-It-Yourself Will a Good Idea?

Is a “do-it-yourself” Will a good idea? Probably not! Although Aretha Franklin died over five years ago, her estate is still a mess. After her death the final wishes of this music superstar are still unsettled. Apparently, the Queen of Soul did not have a formal Will...

The Aging Process

As I continue to age along with all of my clients I find myself paying more and more attention to articles on aging and the tolls of aging. Yes, I am a card carrying member of AARP. As I review the AARP literature, I start to notice articles on topics that are...

I Don’t Own the Home I Live In

The living arrangements for many couples these days is not traditional. Many couples live together and choose not to get married, some couples room together for convenience and even those that are married don’t commingle asset ownership. For many of the couples I meet...

Outliving One of Your Children

No one sits down one day and says, “I will probably outlive my child”. But the fact of the matter is there are a lot of things that could contribute to that comment being true. Here are some common examples I see in my practice: Mom or dad live well into their...

Times Have Changed!

Times have changed! We are no longer the June and Ward Cleaver family where everybody gets along, family members don’t fight with each other (especially over money) and everyone sits down together for dinner every night and openly discusses things. Why is this...